A Quick Overview of Who We Are

First, Our Name

Our name, Lindisfarne Hall, is a mouthful and it’s unusual. Where did it come from?

In the 6th century, a young Irish monk named Aidan was sent off to start a monastery and a school on an island just off the northeast coast of England, and through his work the whole of Northumbria was Christianized.

So here, on an island just off the northeast coast of Florida, is a new Christian school…..islands…..schools…..Christian education…..the name just fits!

Lindisfarne Hall is a ministry of Holy Trinity Anglican Church

1.  We Are A Christian School

The rich heritage of the Christian church provides the framework which nurtures our students through scripture, prayers, sung psalms, and the great hymns of historic Christianity. We firmly believe all truth is from God, that Holy Scripture is divinely inspired, and that true education is in accordance with right reason illumined by the supernatural light of the example and teaching of Christ.

2.  We Are A Classical School

Classical education is a time-tested approach consistent with Divine design, that points to truth, beauty, and goodness, with the aims of molding the affections of students and of equipping them for fruitful, fulfilling, and productive lives.

We Believe Children are Persons

If a student is viewed as a data-processing machine or as a clean-slate, he will be given a much different type of education than a student that is viewed as child who has a mind with an inherent desire “to know.” -Karen Glass

Henry Ford’s great triumph in perfecting the automobile assembly-line inspired imitation in many different fields, including education. This beacon of mass production, standardization, orderliness, and efficiency appeared to promise great things for the future of education. What was forgotten, though, was that children are not machines nor embodied data-processors. Robots can be mass produced, but children cannot. Children are something more than robots, and this “something more” is what makes them human. Classical education is devoted to cultivating this “something more” and educating the whole child, not just a part.

A Classical education recognizes the personhood of the child and offers him educational nourishment for his “whole” self.


3.  Why both Christian & Classical?

The sad fact is that most Christian schools today are inadvertently built on Modern presuppositions. A school with “classical” in its name is intentionally distinguishing itself from these Modern Christian schools. See the table below comparing some Classical and Modern presuppositions below.


(grew out of Greek inquiry into the nature of reality)

a human has a body and an eternal soul

a human being has inherent purpose

there are universal laws of human nature

there is absolute truth

there is a spiritual world

things unseen and unmeasurable exist

humans should be encouraged toward virtue

education is formation of the person into a thinking, wise and virtuous citizen

the whole is more important than its parts

“Knowledge is virtue”

Education is Human Formation


(a product of the industrial revolution)

a human being is simply an animal

the purpose of a human is derived from civic duty

nothing has an inherent nature

there is no absolute truth

only what can be measured exists

things unmeasurable do not exist

there are no absolute virtues

education is for conformity, civic usefulness, and job preparedness

the whole is reduced to its parts

“Knowledge is power”

Education is Job Training

Why are these things important?

“How can you fit a man’s mind for living if you do not know
what the purpose of a man’s life is?”
-Frank Sheed

The ancients of Classical antiquity had a high view of man and his possibilities. Christians’ proclaim their even higher view crying out, “Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands:”  In comparison, the utilitarian Modern view which is so prevalent in education today is ugly and narrow. Views of man can’t help but have an enormous impact on educational practices, directing not only the curriculum, but also the goals and priorities, the daily rhythms of the days, teaching styles, assessment methods, and even holidays, furniture, decorations, lighting, and paint color.


Don’t worry, a classical program naturally incorporates a good deal of STEM components into its regular curriculum so it is not really an either/or choice. A classical education will offer the benefits of STEM components along with much, much more. A student who takes advantage of what is offered in a classical school will know his science and math, but he will also be a creative thinker and an effective communicator- two skills that are highly sought after in technical fields.

In fact, the classical skills of listening, understanding, and communicating are highly desirable in every career field. Did you know that English majors are more likely than many other majors to be CEOs of Fortune 500 companies? Research also shows that the skills government, military, and business leaders are looking for in their employees are actually the fruits of a classical education:

  1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
  2. Ability to Collaborate
  3. Agility and Adaptability
  4. Initiative, Creative Thinking, and Entrepreneurialism
  5. Effective Oral and Written Communication
  6. Accessing and Analyzing Information
  7. Curiosity and Imagination

News sources tell us that more than 50 percent of the jobs that will exist in the next ten years don’t even exist now. In other words, we need to educate students who are nimble, adaptable, agile, and innovative—the fruits of a classical education.

“The people themselves begin to clamour for an education which shall qualify their children for life rather than for earning a living. As a matter of fact, it is the man who has read and thought on many subjects who is, with the necessary training, the most capable whether in handling tools, drawing plans, or keeping books.”  -Charlotte Mason

Lindisfarne Scenes

A Seriously Christian and Classical Education


The Lindisfarne Hall Banner featuring our four Houses

Creating Beauty

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Lindisfarne Hall

2018 Hometown Rd
Fernandina Beach, FL 23034

*easiest to access from Citrona Dr. at main entrance

For more information, email Mrs. Diana Cunningham at: LindisfarneHall.Diana@gmail.com